On Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 1:05:55 PM UTC+2, Paulo Marques wrote:
> I cooloutac
> Thank you for your suggestions
> "I would play around with bios settings man.  set turn off secure boot,  hdd 
> mode ahci, use legacy boot. change csm settings, try auto,  set to boot other 
> os.  check usb settings, any other hdd settings."   
> I've done all that already (I've been doing that since last tuesday...) :( :P 
>  ;)
> "Does baremetal fedora install and run ok?" 
> I haven't tried that, just tried to run Fedora on a Virtualbox VM and it runs 
> ok
> As the usb device for qubes installation loaded and checked the files.
> I've tried also to follow this link instructions (below) as the message in 
> the beginning of the installation says 
> Error messages beneath the
> efi: EFI_MEMMAP is not enabled.
> esrt: ESRT header is not in the memory map.
> are:
> dracud-pre-trigger[402]: cat: /tmp/dd_disk: No such file or directory. 
> dracut-initqueue[511]: mount: /dev/sdb is write protected while booting the 
> installation device.
> I've trie also to follow this instructions (see links below)
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/uefi-troubleshooting/
> https://www.reddit.com/r/Qubes/comments/6f2kuu/tutorial_for_those_having_installationboot/
> "In GRUB menu1, select “Troubleshoot”, then “Boot from device”, then press e.
> At the end of chainloader line add /mapbs /noexitboot.
> Perform installation normally, but not reboot system at the end yet."
> but Before I can perform installation normally it runs the text command line 
> (in a speedy way) (I think that's the ANACONDA installer wright?) and in the 
> middle stops the text and says
> "starting show plymouth boot screen..." 
> and doesn't get out of there...
> So I've to reboot again after a wile and whatever options I choose from the 
> menu (  1)install Qubes 3.2, 2) preform a test and install, 3) troubleshoot 
> and verboose mode, and 4) rescue a qubes installation I always get stuked in 
> the same frase/fase of the installation.
> Any suggestions??
> Regards

It doesn't provide any additional information when you select verbose mode 
startup, aside from the (irrelevant) message about plymouth boot screen?

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