On Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 3:38:01 AM UTC+2, Paulo Marques wrote:
> HI Foppe,
> Nothig more exept:
> "Error messages beneath the 
> efi: EFI_MEMMAP is not enabled. 
> esrt: ESRT header is not in the memory map. 
> are: 
> dracud-pre-trigger[402]: cat: /tmp/dd_disk: No such file or directory. 
> dracut-initqueue[511]: mount: /dev/sdb is write protected while booting the 
> installation device. "
> I've try also to follow this instructions (see links below) 
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/uefi-troubleshooting/ 
> https://www.reddit.com/r/Qubes/comments/6f2kuu/tutorial_for_those_having_installationboot/
> In the last link I was "new 48" (it didn't let me put my name on the 
> post/thread.
> Besides that I've tryied to install again either the 3.2 or the 3.1 version 
> (I thought it could be the download and so I download again and also the 3.1 
> version) and it stuked again on the same place, if I change the boot to 
> legacy, it goes to a blue screen with intall/test and install/troublshoot 
> option and when I choose the last it goes to a text menu with 7 options to 
> fulfill but coudn't pass it either as it asks for a lurks password ???
> I thought I could see if the images are good in a VM so I installed both 
> Virtualbox and VMware Workstation 12, I could install and run Qubes 3.1 from 
> the last (VMware) and Qubes 3.2 from the first(Virtualbox), but unfortunately 
> the late (3.2) couldn't have the sis-net active and so I couldn't run 
> practically no programs. (see Photos attached)
> Thank you for any suggestions
> best Regards

Oh I see. Yes, Qubes doesn't work (or barely works) inside another VM, for a 
lot of reasons. You'll have to install it to a disk and dual-boot to it to get 
it to work.

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