On Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 10:09:33 PM UTC-5, cooloutac wrote:
> > Indeed. I don't understand why AEM can't be used with UEFI. The docs should 
> > also mention the reliance on TPM for AEM and the use of AEM prevents 
> > ability to swap drives in mobo easily, such as hot swapable SATA. That is 
> > probably not an important consideration in the majority of cases I suspect.
> > 
> > Also, the conversion process should probably discuss GPT vs MBR 
> > partitioning. I was under the impression UEFI required GPT, but even if 
> > not, I do know booting an OS that resides on a GPT drive via BIOS (i.e. 
> > legacy) mode has problems. Most BIOS / legacy code doesn't even recognize a 
> > GPT drive. Often BIOS booting on a GPT drive relies on the protected 
> > partition region which isn't recognized across the board and is far from 
> > being well recognized my all Op Systems.
> I don't understand why people want to use uefi if not using secure boot. 
> You say GPT is that cause you running windows?  Well when you do decide to go 
> to Qubes-os only machine  reformat the drive and hope for the best.  If you 
> ever update your pc hardware though don't put anything else on it.  And your 
> Hardware should be safe for at least a year lol. I'm starting to think real 
> security is only for rich people.   but 1-2 years reasonable secure pc is 
> pretty good compared to windows.  which I would give 1-2 months.  and linux 
> which is shot in one day.  Ignore my fud.

We've had this discussion in another thread. I reiterated the main points 
above. GPT is the superior partitioning format, far more flexible. Mixing 
legacy BIOS with GPT is a very difficult combination to get working, certainly 
for windoze. I have no intention of installing that OS on my Qubes box, no way.

But please do your research on GPT and you will see BIOS boot is obsolete and 
will be a thing of the past before you know it. The sooner you realize that the 
better off you'll be.

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