Thanks, i used the xrandr approach and it worked like a charm! <3 :)

On Friday, July 14, 2017 at 2:31:54 PM UTC+2, Noor Christensen wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 04:07:15AM -0700, wrote:
> > Yes, by "separating them" i mean to extend the desktop to two screens,
> > since now I see them mirrored (i.e. the eternal one is a copy of the
> > laptop's display)
> You can use xrandr to set up the different display outputs.
> For example, the following command defines my external display (VGA1) as
> being positioned to the right of my internal display (LVDS1):
>       $ xrandr --output VGA1 --right-of LVDS1 --preferred
> To get the names of your display outputs, run xrandr without flags:
>       $ xrandr
> It's a bit unclear whether or not you are using XFCE or i3wm as your
> window manager, but the xrandr method should be effective in either
> case. 
> Another solution is to set up your xorg.conf properly, so your desired
> display outputs are configured when X starts, before any window manager
> is run.
> Here is an example config for a Thinkpad X220:
>       Section "Device"
>               # Specify the device we are configuring
>               Identifier "Intel HD 3000"
>               Driver     "intel"
>               BusID      "PCI:0:2:0" # Video card PCI address
>               # Give friendly names to the display outputs
>               Option     "Monitor-LVDS1" "LCD"
>               Option     "Monitor-VGA1"  "VGA"
>       EndSection
>       # Internal monitor (LVDS1)
>       Section "Monitor"
>               Identifier "LCD"
>               Option     "Enable" "true"
>               Option     "PreferredMode" "1366x768"
>       EndSection
>       # External monitor (VGA1)
>       Section "Monitor"
>               Identifier "VGA"
>               Option     "Enable" "true"
>               Option     "PreferredMode" "1680x1050" # Acer AL2216W
>               Option     "RightOf" "LCD"
>       EndSection
> This config has the same effect as the xrandr example shown before -
> external display output VGA1 positioned to the right of LVDS1.
> You can put the file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d and it will be read by X on
> next start.
> Use the "Enable" option to specify whether you want it to activate on X
> start, or manually (via xrandr). See the documentation for and the
> graphics driver you are using for more options.
> NOTE: You probably have to replace some/all values to fit your specific
> scenario. Obviously the "Device" section (first paragraph) of the
> xorg.conf in particular, but also the xrandr parameters.
> -- noor
> |_|O|_|
> |_|_|O|  Noor Christensen                                  
> |O|O|O| ~ 0x401DA1E0

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