On Thursday, 24 August 2017 09:46:43 UTC+1, jerome....@gmail.com  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am about installing QubesOS on a brand new laptop (Thinkpad P51 with 64Gb 
> and big SSD drivers). This laptop is a very recent one so I can't find it in 
> the HCL (or the previous P50 model).
> I need a few advices:
> - to use videoprojector I will need to activate the Nvidia Quadro card ,  so 
> is the Bumblebee system working with DOM0 or should I use the only NVidia and 
> disable Bumblebee /  Intel integrated card... I don't need much graphical 
> power but I fear that the graphics output is wired to the only Nvidia card -(

I don't understand this, when you connect a new display, configure it on the 
Display menu on Dom0 and push the VM you want to present over there, it's not 
much different than a normal Linux installation.
> - do you have partitioning layout advices ?

The setup already gives you a layout, you can tweak the sizes should you want 

> - I have read some docs on the website and watched videos but I did not find 
> much information about creating VM template (you provide Fedora 23 and Debian 
>  8) but I would need fresher software  so at least Debian 9 aka Stretch or 
> may be Debian testing/unstable... Is it simple a matter of changing 
> debian.list file in the template ?

You can install any distro on a template. But if you want to save some time, 
you can clone the Debian 8 template and upgrade it to Debian 9 :) (I remember 
seeing a tutorial for that in the Kali documentation)

> - Do you have special configuration files/ advices about power consumption ?

Also interested in this question, my Thinkpad doesn't last a long time with 
Qubes, even with only one VM running (may be the battery though). Until now, I 
was only able to tweak with the normal power settings - when to turn off the 
screen, brightness, etc.

> I can't wait to test this so exciting piece of software ....
> Kind regards
> Jerome
> PS:
> I did not find much information about install on bare metal (many 
> articles/videos are related to install inside VirtualBox / Vmware)..

Well, in order to record it without using a camera, it's easier to do it in a 
VM. But don't worry, it's the same.
> I will add another question dealing with UEFI install ...

Check the Thinkpad documentation, but I'll tell you right now, when you get the 
computer, first thing you need to do is access the BIOS and remove Secure Boot 
and change UEFI to Legacy Only.
> My laptop ships with Windows (10 I think) is it possible to keep it installed 
> ?

You can, but do remember the security issues Windows 10 might bring you. You 
can just install a Win7 vm on Qubes and use your programmes there, I mean, you 
have a beast of a computer. Anyway, if you do want it, you'll have to resize 
the Win10 partition in order to have space for Qubes.

> I have a backup solution while changing the disk and installing as the only 
> OS... So this is really a bonus but not mandatory for me...

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