On Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 1:30:39 AM UTC-4, qubester wrote:
> On 08/20/2017 05:48 AM, cooloutac wrote:
> > On Sunday, August 20, 2017 at 11:44:42 AM UTC-4, cooloutac wrote:
> >> On Sunday, August 20, 2017 at 12:42:55 AM UTC-4, qubester wrote:
> >> The guy Brad Spengler already warned dom0 and vms can be compromised by 
> >> bad system updates. And I believe this happened to me and led to my bank 
> >> account being hacked.   Also just after intel announced their patch for 
> >> the hardware backdoor that existed for 8 years.
> >>
> >> Qubes did last almost 2 years for me though(minus gaming),  when barebones 
> >> linux wouldn't last a day and windows wouldn't last a couple months. 
> >> Simply because I refuse to give up doing the things I own a pc for.   The 
> >> other thing he warned about was using too much of the gpu in qubes...  I 
> >> foresee that coming in the future with people demanding passthrough for it.
> >>
> >> If you do decide to go back to windows 10,  hardenwindows10forsecurity.com 
> >>  also might interest you hardenubuntu.com  (scroll down to harden ubuntu 
> >> section) The user activities and security and trust of the developers 
> >> become the deciding factor after a point.
> >>
> >> I don't think any operating system does it all.   Just like alot of people 
> >> didn't think root privilege escalation in
> >> vms, being trivial to bypass, was an excuse not to add that layer of 
> >> protection.  I think its even worse not to use secure boot.
> > 
> > also if my hardware is compromised it really doesn't matter what os I use 
> > at that point either.
> from some Q&A , I just read with the Pax Spengler, guy, he seemed to be 
> using windows 7  because "he plays games"  , and for convenience, no 
> mention that it might have something to do with  Secure Boot ..
> So, would you feel more secure doing your banking on a Windows Box, 
> since you think an broken update of Qubes  caused  you to "be hacked" ? 
> just curious, not being rhetorical..... :)

lol... also cause his family hates linux,  and because as he has said  "he just 
likes things to work in his old age"  He use to be a linux only guy in college, 
then he grew out of it.  He prefers to use vm's in windows for his developing.  
He prolly feels his project is only for servers and professionals.

I've already explained this earlier, I'll try again.  It really doesn't matter 
what os you use,  its all about the user.

A windows machine would be fine to do online banking on, as long as you are not 
doing much of anything else on it and not a huge target, imo.   Guys like HDM 
use windows for banking.  In his words he doesn't care at all cause its a 
consumer account not a business bank account so he has financial protections 
and doesn't care if he gets hacked.   I don't look at things that way though,  
because being hacked would bother me regardless.

Alot of offensive hackers like him think everything is a victimless crime till 
it happens to them. They have to tell themselves that if they have any sort of 

A hardened linux boot cd rom would also be ok to use for banking, although all 
the projects I know of have been abandoned, and I've never used one with secure 
boot before although I'm sure its possible.  But I don't have the patience to 
compile my own live cd.

Qubes definitely fills a gap of people wanting to do a little bit of everything 
on their computer when its comes to browsers and offline documents.  When you 
are doing random browsing or going to sketchy sites, or want to isolate offline 
files all on the same machine, isolate certain programs from rest of the 
system,  Qubes is alot easier and more resource friendly to use then setting up 
your own windows or hardened linux box with vms,   Plus there are more security 
features then the avg person could implement themselves. 

Experts have problems even implementing similar features on linux system  with 

But  Qubes still relies alot on user habits, and in fact the user learning new 
habits.  So Qubes does require even more discipline then linux or windows,  to 
get the full benefits of using it, imo.  But I think the avg person can easily 
get used to it.

And like I said it took almost two years to compromise my qubes machine,  doing 
the same tasks on a on a windows machine would take a month or two.  And with 
linux only days.   This is my personal experience since 2008, of course I have 
no proof.  If you were to ask me during windows xp days?  I would immediately 
say linux is more secure.  But times change.

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