On 09/24/2017 04:50 AM, Nagaev Boris wrote:
> Hey!
> I noticed that Quake3 almost works in Qubes 3.2, but has one
> annoying issue: the pointer is unmanageable. It looks like the
> pointer has the "memory" about its previous position: e.g. when I
> move it left, the game continues moving right. I tried `openarena`
> tool from the Debian template and also web version of Quake on
> http://www.quakejs.com/ both have the same issue. Performance of both
> native and web versions is amazing, the only problem is the mouse.
> I think it works incorrectly because it tries to lock the pointer 
> (probably to move it to the screen center) but Qubes doesn't allow 
> AppVMs to manage pointer. X11 has function `XWarpPointer` that moves 
> the pointer. Probably the game uses this function, though I don't
> know how to check this.
> Can Qubes add Pointer lock support for AppVM, please?
It may not be a pointer lock issue, but rather a problem with input
type. Did you try starting the VM with a different mouse input type? The
default seems to be Mouse, while Tablet may solve your problems, like it
did (even if not 100% because of inbuilt android pointer acceleration)
for my Android appVM.

The mouse input type setting cannot be configured via standard Qubes
tools, either the qubes.xml or the manager. You can try by creating a
copy of "appvmname.conf" with a name different from the original (or
Qubes will overwrite it) that you can find in dom0 at

In the copy find the "devices" element and add "<input type='tablet'
bus='usb' />" - this will override the default mouse input. Start the VM
with this conf instead of the default one with qvm-start and check.

It would be a great security concern to let single appVMs manage the
pointer, even if in good faith (misclicks can produce disasters) and
without mentioning the big development problem. The mouse "resource"
will have to be "shared" among potentially several
mouse-management-enabled appvms: who shall win if two appvms decide to
lock the mouse in two separate rectangles?


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