On Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 12:54:23 PM UTC, Desobediente wrote:
> Could the Qubes 4 users ellaborate what things I should be doing on Qubes 3 
> to get used to not having the Qubes Manager available all the time?
> -- 
> iuri.neocities.org

Sure, though I might not be able to cover it all, but here are some things to 
start with.

- Qubes 4 uses terminal to create or restore backups, there is as of yet no 
graphic menu anymore. It might seem frightening at first, but it's not that 
difficult to use. The most annoying thing is if you want to exclude some 
Templates or AppVM's, since it'll otherwise restore all your VM's. After you 
type in your backup password, just put -x "AppVM name" -x "AppVM name" without 
the exclamation markers. It takes a few minutes of concentration the first time 
around, but it's not exactly "difficult", just different and takes a bit 
Type in "qvm-backup-restore -h" for help on commands if needed, or find a Qubes 
doc guide on the official website. The commandline appears the same in Qubes 
3.2 as it is in 4.0-RC2, so you can practice in Qubes 3.2 with a few test 

- Also, from what I hear, it takes a lot longer to restore backups if you run 
it through Dom0. Apparently it goes a lot faster if you i.e. make a USB-Qube 
and restore your backup through an AppVM. I cannot verify if it goes faster 
since my touch-screen on my laptop is tied to my USB, therefore I cannot create 
a USB-QUbe. Which meant I had to go for the slow one through Dom0. It took 
about 10 hours or so for about 60-70 GB of backup data.

- Be sure to turn off suspend or hibernate while you run your backup. 

- Qubes 4-RC2 appears to have some template difficulties, primarily debian and 
whonix, but also sometimes fedora. The way I solved it was during the install, 
I allowed the install of Whonix templates. However during the last-step for 
configuration setup, I removed Whonix in the configuration setup. I also 
removed the automatic easy "Personal, Work" AppVM setup configuration. I only 
selected the first line. For whatever reason, if I selected any other 
configurations below the first, it causes python code errors. Afterwards fedora 
template works fine, and Whonix is easily fixed with the Qubes official Whonix 
install guide on the official website. It's basically just to create the 
sys-whonix and tie the whonix-gw and whonix-ws to the syswhonix for networking. 

- debian won't run for me, I still haven't found a way to fix it. Instead I 
just made an extra copy of my Fedora template, and use that template for my 
packages etc. that I don't want installed in my more secure template/AppVM's. 

- Qubes 4-RC2 sometimes freezes during install, it'll depend on your hardware. 
For my case, it only froze once. I restarted and started over, no changes to 
settings. This time it made it through. Qubes 4-RC1 always froze for me, no 
matter how many times I tried. The takeaway is, it sometimes helps to restart 
and try again. 

- If Qubes 4 succesfully installs, but you get python errors or templates don't 
appear despite that you installed them, try re-install everything. I believe 
the late-stage Qubes configuration is what makes the difference. See above step 
a few steps up.

- Find another way to monitor your RAM/CPU use. For example I use "Xl list" in 
Dom0 to see how much memory Dom0 and all the other Templates/AppVM's are using. 
The widget shoes Template/AppVM memory use, but it doesn't show you how much 
memory you got in Dom0. The Dom0 RAM may be nice to know, so you know how much 
memory you got left for new VM's you plan to start up. 

- There appears to be a new method to update Templatee VM's. Fedora still works 
the old way. But Debian and Whonix doesn't. I haven't found any Qubes guides or 
post about this yet, and haven't had the time to experiment to find out how it 
works now. But basically, Fedora template updates work. Whonix might also work. 
I had a lot of trouble with the Debian template system though. Either way, just 
go with Fedora for now until a guide or post is availale on this matter, or 
till the error is fixed (if there is any errors and it simply is just a user 

- Given the situation, without insider knowledge (aka I simply dont know, this 
is just a guess), I believe there will be a Qubes 4-RC3 release. All these 
python errors and template nightmare, and careful picking Qubes configuarion to 
minimize these issues, seems to be too much to fix with just some updates. 
However if you can get the Fedora template working, you can just re-install the 
other templates whenever a fix becomes available. 

- Qubes 4 appears to come with SALT enabled by default. I haven't ventured too 
much into this new area much yet, however it seemingly adds a security layer to 
VM and VM files so that they can't be changed (Possibly? It's still new to me 
after all, I can't say for sure). Presumably as long it's on the SALT 
configuration list, you can't change certain things in this VM. Supposedly it's 
to make Qubes more hack-proof. I haven't yet discovered when this SALT 
protection applies and when it doesn't. But it can be a real pain if you try to 
change something, and you don't realize it's the SALT protection preventing you 
to do it. 
So it's good to know about it and read up about it. I certainly plan to when I 
have the time. There is a Qubes developer discussion somewhere on github about 
it somewhere as well. You should be able to play around with it in Qubes 3.2. 
before moving to Qubes 4. Apparently its pre-installed in Qubes 3.2, but it's 
pre-enabled in Qubes 4 for VM's. So Qubes 3.2. has it installed, but not 
enabled. Something like that.

- These are the issues I personally encountered during Qubes 4-RC1 and Qubes 
4-RC2, in comparison to Qubes 3.2. I Can't think of more things to watch out 
for at the moment. I still need more time to mess around with fixes and 
solutions, reading up and learning, though this is what I gathered for now.

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