On Wednesday, 10 January 2018 23:30:42 UTC+1, awokd  wrote:
> On Wed, January 10, 2018 5:13 pm, Pawel G wrote:
> > I upgraded dom0 from fedora-24 to fedora-25 on Qubes r3.2.
> Well there's the problem! :) Ordinarily, you should not upgrade dom0.

Sorry for misunderstanding, I figured out what I did analysing my bash_history 
file (as I was sure that I haven't experimenting, just followed docummentation):

I upgraded dom0 (following "Installing and using Windows-based AppVMs" doc):

sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-dom0-current-testing 

and not long after that I upgraded all my VMs from f-24 to f-25. 

I use my laptop for a few weeks puting it into hibernation mode. After restart 
- you know the story. I haven't found anything in bash_history what would 
damage qubes, aside from those updates.

Is it possible to reinstall base system and have my VMs and data not earased 
(like from ISO installer)?


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