Den fredag den 19. januar 2018 kl. 14.44.26 UTC+1 skrev
> Den fredag den 19. januar 2018 kl. 14.08.21 UTC+1 skrev Tom Zander:
> > On Friday, 19 January 2018 11:48:56 CET aaq via qubes-users wrote:
> > > What can I do 
> > 
> > Could this have something to do with the broken qmemman?
> > 
> > Try turning off memory-management and give the sys-net an initial amount of 
> > something like 800MB.
> > 
> > also check if xentop has anything weird in the first line with memory usage.
> > 
> > Good luck!
> Can you give me specific instructions to where I can do these things :S
> Sorry!
> I know there is something in the grub config for dom0 memory management, is 
> it that?
> Where do I find xentop?
> I can see in /var/log/xen/console/hypervisor.log that it complains about 
> "initial memory low", but I dunno if that's new..
> I tried awokds recommendations:
> switching template to debian yields same message about memory being too low.
> virt_mode already is hvm.
> Thanks for your time and help.

Sorry, I didn't release xentop was a tool like top/htop...
My laptop has 8gb of RAM, Qubes has reserved 4gb to dom0 through grub config.

Xentop says that approx. 3.8gb is free.

So I really don't think the issues lies there.

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