On Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 7:46:03 PM UTC-4, tai...@gmx.com wrote:
> On 04/12/2018 08:49 AM, cooloutac wrote:
> > In my case I found uefi mode works better for Qubes.   For example using 
> > legacy bios mode i have many wake from sleep problems,  such as usb mouse 
> > in sys-usb not working after sleep.  system becoming unresponsive.
> >
> > Booting in uefi mode I dont' have those problems.  I think eventually we 
> > will have no choice but to use uefi cause all hardware will be designed for 
> > it.
> >
> Commodity hardware in the future will suck and won't allow you to run
> your own distro, or even your own programs unless you pay for a
> "developer" computer. This is the goal of microsoft.
> The future for owner controlled high performance devices is POWER, the
> TALOS 2 is now in full production and the benchmarks indicate that it
> costs thousands less than an intel/amd system with equivilant performance.
> For once we have a unicorn - a libre firmware system that is actually
> fast and brand new.
> > Unfortunately using uefi mode does not give any security benefits since 
> > Qubes doesn't support secure boot
> >
> Oh boy here we go again with
> linux-distro-sucks-unless-it-supports-microsoft-technology
> https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=UEFI-Kernel-Lockdown-Concerns
> Linus describes Secure Boot as being "pushed in your face by people with
> an agenda."
> Even linus agrees with me that these things aren't happening in a vacuum.
> Remember guys if something is truly good it doesn't need to be forced on
> you "for your own good"
> > or secure flash.
> >
> Operating systems should not be modifying EEPROM settings - you are free
> to use flashrom to do that yourself if you so desire.
> I grow increasingly tired of your uninformed comments.

So you're a free software guy quoting crazy linus torvalds who is anything but 
for free software and who could care less about security...  You do know him 
and his whole family use windows at home right?   He doesn't even use linux 
himself.  He makes kernels in virtualbox on windows 10 and for the all the 
suckers...  At least you use an fsf kernel,  too bad no more grsec to use with 
it, since spender is another mental patient.  lmao...

What about when I quote Richard Stallman who says its ok to use secure boot for 
security because its "failed its intended purpose"... Why do you not address my 
statement on this?  I find that suspicious.

   The same "purpose" you still claim MS wants to happen in the future turned 
out to be Fear mongering politics by crazy fsf nutjobs.    So you seem to 
ignore the whole fact secure boot is a security benefit that is beneficial to 
all operating systems.  Stop telling me about whats going to happen in the 
future like you are Nostradamus,  makes you seem fake since this prediction was 
already previously made and was wrong. 

Like I said free software movement will never become popoular,  if its own 
advocates are not even honest with themselves and seem distant from reality.  
You are like a car salesman to me.   At least Richard Stallman half admitted he 
was wrong.

So I guess you don't use a gui desktop since that was made popular by evil 
apple and ms, and since it would be so much better for security right??    Text 
based machines only bud?

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