I recently added another gfx card which seemed to go smothly enough except it apparently didn't. When I tried to plug in monitors to the integrated video ports AND the graphics card things started going sideways (and I can't figure out why they would?). One example is most times I boot no icons show up, not in the xfce menu nor context menu nor on the qubes manager, just the text. When I tried to rotate the monitors (via xfce) they acted funny the wallpaper displaying strangly but the qubes manager window showing up ok (in the same monitor at the same time). Also sometimes (some reboots) I am able to access the "display" option to try to fiddle with getting the monitors right, other times when try clicking display its like the display window shows up then instantly closes (its so fast I can't actually tell if its the display settings window or not). Lastly, so far, when I try to start up an appvm I get the following: Error starting VM <sys-net> PCI device 02:00.0 does not exist (domain <sys-net>)
though that happens with all the appvms and the debian templates
and for redhat and whonix I get:
qubes manager
error starting vm 'fedora-26' maximum recursion depth exceeded

I am really really stumped, need help!

PS for what its worth, the gfx card is in a pci-16 slot, the integrated gfx ports are hdmi and dvi, the gfx card ports are DP and DVI.

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