On 04/18/2018 02:09 PM, trueriver wrote:
> hi Ivan
> d'ooooooh
> It was set as its own DispVM.... the one domain I had not thought to check 
> manually from the Qube Manager. 
> Logically this might count as a bug: if the only domain that uses it is the 
> same one that is being deleted then it would not cause a problem - but I 
> realise that coding this corner case would increase an attack surface 
> somewhere and I bet the devs will not want to do that. So I will not be 
> listing it as a bug.

indeed, that's a bit of a corner case. It's probably expected that users
remove references to a template (including to itself) when they issue
qvm-* commands by hand, but IMHO less so if it's in the graphical interface.

> I used your script (I am rather a fan of Bash) rather than looking at the 
> logs, and am bookkmarking your reply in case I need the logs in future.
> Many thanks for the fix, and many more for the speed of it!

no problem, happy to help !


(PS: please do not top-post when replying)

> On Wednesday, 18 April 2018 11:47:55 UTC+1, Ivan Mitev  wrote:
>> hi,
>> On 04/18/2018 01:26 PM, river14ap...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> I opted for whonix when installing Qubes 4.0 and have decided not to use it 
>>> for now. I am having trouble deleting it.
>>> In dom0 the command 
>>> sudo qvm-remove whonix-ws-dvm
>>> generates a traceback ending with the final message 
>>> qubesadmin.exc.QubesException: Domain is in use 'whonix-ws-dvm'; details in 
>>> system log
>>> (let me know if you would like me to paste in the whole traceback)
>>> So my immediate question is how do I see the relevant log? It is not in the 
>>> dmesg of dom0. I have also looked from Qube Manager at the logs in the 
>>> context menu while right-clicking on the dom0 and whonix-ws-domain domains: 
>>> dom0 has only a xen log which does not appear relevent, and 
>>> whonix-ws-domain has the logs greyed out. I can't think of anywhere else to 
>>> look.
>> tail /var/log/qubes/qubes.log
>> and
>> journalctl -f
>> should give you more info ; you'll probably see something like "vm
>> blahblah uses whonix-ws-dvm"
>>> I also used sudo qvm-ls and cannot see any sign of this domain being used 
>>> anywhere.
>> try:
>> qubes-prefs (for global qubes default)
>> and for each VM:
>> qvm-prefs vmname
>> and see if one of the vm is configured to use whonix (as template,
>> firewall, ...).
>> it's a bit cumbersome to go through each vm manually, you can automate
>> this with the following script:
>> for i in $(qvm-ls --raw-list); do qvm-prefs $i | grep -q whonix && echo
>> vm $i uses whonix; done
>> Note that the whonix* templates were likely installed with a rpm, so
>> once you changed your VMs' prefs not to use whonix, you'll have to
>> delete the rpm rather than using `qvm-remove`.
>> you can find which rpms are installed with `rpm -qa | grep -i whonix`
>>> I did not not ask for whonix to be used for template updates, or more 
>>> exactly I believe I left that option unticked during setup but wonder how I 
>>> can check if that is where whonix is being used? Where would I look to 
>>> check that, please?
>>> Note none of the whonix domains are started at boot, and none are showing 
>>> as running in Qube Manager, nor in the "Q" in the systray.
>>> And in case I can't solve this, any tips please on how to remove a domain 
>>> when Qubes thinks it is still in use? 
>>> At the moment the only way forward that I can think of is to backup my 
>>> wanted domains and reinstall... but my IT gut feeling is that would be 
>>> overkill and I am missing something that will seem obvious once it is 
>>> explained...
>> re-installing is indeed overkill :)
>> hope the above helps !
>> ivan
>>> regards
>>> River~~

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