On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 12:44:18AM -0400, Chris Laprise wrote:
> On 08/10/2018 03:02 PM, Kelly Dean wrote:
> > Has anybody else used both Qubes 3.2 and 4.0 on a system with a HD, not 
> > SSD? Have you noticed the disk thrashing to be far worse under 4.0? I 
> > suspect it might have something to do with the new use of LVM combining 
> > snapshots with thin provisioning.
> > 
> > The problem seems to be triggered by individual qubes doing ordinary bursts 
> > of disk access, such as loading a program or accessing swap, which would 
> > normally take just a few seconds on Qubes 3.2, but dom0 then massively 
> > multiplies that I/O on Qubes 4.0, leading to disk thrashing that drags on 
> > for minutes at a time, and in some cases, more than an hour.
> > 
> > iotop in dom0 says the thrashing procs are e.g. [21.xvda-0] and 
> > [21.xvda-1], reading the disk at rates ranging from 10 to 50 MBps (max 
> > throughput of the disk is about 100). At this rate, for how prolonged the 
> > thrashing is, it could have read and re-read the entire virtual disk 
> > multiple times over, so there's something extremely inefficient going on.
> > 
> > Is there any solution other than installing a SSD? I'd prefer not to have 
> > to add hardware to solve a software performance regression.
> > 
> I really don't know if LVM or Ext4 have an SSD/HDD mode, but Btrfs does. The
> HDD mode avoids some thrashing.
> Also, I remember installing a 4.0 release candidate on an external HDD and
> didn't note unusual thrashing at the time.
> -- 
> Chris Laprise, tas...@posteo.net
> https://github.com/tasket
> https://twitter.com/ttaskett
> PGP: BEE2 20C5 356E 764A 73EB  4AB3 1DC4 D106 F07F 1886

I don't recognise this on a somewhat under powered laptop with HDD -
definitely not "minutes at a time". Is there something significant about
the disks that you cite, or are those just examples? 

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