On Wed, September 5, 2018 12:21 am, John S.Recdep wrote:
> Hello,
> while upgrading to sys-whonix-14 many weeks ago, I was fighting to
> maintain  my Fedora and Debian Template to keep using sys-net  not
> sys-whonix-14
> and sys-whonix-gw and -ws to use sys-whonix-14  , which are otherwise
> working fine and I hesitate to mess with
> /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.UpdatesProxy
> However, once in a while I am concerned that sys-whonix-14 is starting
> when I am NOT updating anything  eg in  dom0  today :
> qvm-run -a fooappVM fooapplication   (for a fooappVM that wasn't open) and
> sys-whonix-14  was shutdown
> for some reason it started up

This could happen if fooappVM's netvm is set to sys-whonix-14.

> my  /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.UpdatesProxy ; looks like this :

> $type:TemplateVM $default allow,target=sys-whonix-14

This line, since it is first, means all templates will be updated through
sys-whonix-14. Maybe when you started fooapplication, Qubes checked the
related template for any updates?

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