Tough questions and discussion but in the spirit of finding the "best" we can 
get laptop for Qubes 4.0  (Best being defined as: available to purchase, priced 
right, most open, most "reasonably" secure and...."reasonably simple" to 
maintain), for me I see the following as my best options, ranked:

Lenovo Carbon 5G X1
Good RAM
Little pricey
Easy install/maintain? Not sure if I can flash these BIOS...

Lenova 400 series
Limited RAM?
Little boxy
Easier to install/maintain

Librem 'what ever" model
NOT Affordable
Limited RAM?
Reasonably easy to install/maintain!

NOT as Available
Limited RAM?
Very boxy?
Tough to install/maintain (Flash BIOS?? Out of my scope...)

200 series
NOT as Available?
Limited RAM?
Very boxy?
Tough to install/maintain! (Flash BIOS?? Out of my scope...)

I don't know, but I suspect Qubes was developeded on Lenovo's yet select models 

Desk Tops
I need a laptop...

Keep in mind I might weigh some of the "Easy to install/maintain" perspective 
more heavily but I see my best options as:

1)Carbon X1 being the ultimate winner (if I want to invest the $1k)
2)T400+ series for the budget concerned
3)Librem if you want to get the best you can with out the "fuss" and pay some $$
4)G505/200 if you have the technical know-how/experience

What I am struggling to weigh is the security/privacy/trust compromises and 
implications I have made/would make? I know G505/200 type products are most 
secure but how can I get one pre-installed and done (Easy) yet still balance 
trust, security, afford-ability, etc....I fear the open source BIOS are out of 
my technical scope to install and maintain.

I find Librem intriguing with the easiest "most" open source option for the 
"reasonable" layman(person)...sure not Intel/AMD/government secure but at least 
non chip maker collusion secure? Lets assume Librem screwed up initially with 
their claims....are they clear now? Is their product a good option?

Decisions, Decisions...


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