Hello Taiidan,

Am Sa., 17. Nov. 2018, 03:21 hat taii...@gmx.com <taii...@gmx.com>

> [...]
> I am the counterpart to you guys somehow getting the tech media to
> publish glorified press releases for you and everything I say is true.

Which articles do you mean?

People need to know the truth about what they would be purchasing, this
> issue isn't and never was the fact that you are selling non-free laptops
> - it is that you are claiming they are somehow open source
> firwmare/libre/me disabled when they are not and could never be.

So a free laptop is a laptop that has everything Purism does but including
disabled ME?
At the same time you're saying it is impossible to do so?
So Purism would be the most free laptop you can buy today from shelf, is
this correct?
Doesn't sound to bad to me ;-)

Remember any code exploit for ME is illegal in the US and buying new
> intel/amd x86 hardware supports further anti-feature development...why
> not make an OpenPOWER laptop? nothing is stopping you besides the false
> belief that it is somehow impossible to make and sell owner controlled
> hardware that is fast and modern - other companies are doing instead of
> trying.

Where can I buy a OpenPOWER Laptop and how will this help me and will Qubes
OS run on it (today)?

The business model of somehow keeping up open source firmware releases
> with new x86 hardware without any vendor cooperation is impossible - it
> would take years and millions to reverse engineer FSP thus x86 will
> never be free.

This maybe correct, but then there is no need to use this argument in every
We must try to do what is currently possible.
This is also how I understand the "reasonable" in the quote "reasonable
Best effort and delivering is most time a better approach than trying to be

Get an A10 quad core G505s (no ME/PSP) IMO it isn't that hard to compile
> and install coreboot - myself and various others are willing to help
> owner controlled system users for free if you run in to trouble.

The G505s is a very ugly have and old machine which seems to be a consumer
In my opinion (!) I totally respect that others have a different opinion.
But please do also accept that some people just don't want to buy this
laptop for their own personal reasons.

Todd weaver started and owns the company so he isn't mis-informed he is
> simply used to making claims he can't deliver because he has no ethics,
> no real technical skills and he still fails to listen to those who do.

Do you know Todd? What is the problem for blaming people. I think it's
great that people have choices!!
You have even the choice to setup your own company ;-)

I really don't understand why there is so much engagement blaming purism.
I think it is really great if people have the chance to by "other" laptops.
And a Purism Laptop is "very likely higher on the reasonable secure" scale
than a normal Windows Laptop and even from a laptop running Qubes without
Coreboot and Co.

Honestly I wouldn't feel much more secure even if Intel ME is completely
gone, I think that  the attack surface is reduced when running Qubes,
Coreboot or if I buy purism.

Purism is good in marketing and this is not a crime. There are so much
people who will never ever buy hardware which is 5years old, and spent lots
of time installing Linux/Coreboot etc.
But still they might be interested running "better" hardware or software
and are interested in getting support.
Therefore I am lucky that companies are selling Linux to those people.

Purism, thinkpenguin, all others -> THANKS!

And thank you for your community engagement, don't get me wrong.

- O

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