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On 20/02/2019 2.53 PM, Chris Laprise wrote:
> On 2/20/19 2:46 PM, Stuart Perkins wrote:
>> On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 10:38:15 +0000 lik...@gmx.de wrote:
>>> On 2/19/19 6:22 PM, Chris Laprise wrote:
>>>> On 2/19/19 10:41 AM, liked2-mmb7mzph...@public.gmane.org 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> assume there are files stored in a qube without networking.
>>>>> Furthermore assume there's a secured backup server located
>>>>> in the internet. This server is only a storage of
>>>>> client-side (before data is sent over the wire) encrypted
>>>>> files.  What options do you imagine to backup those files
>>>>> (skip the client-side encryption) to the server?
>>>>> I can imagine the following options: 1. enable temporary 
>>>>> the network with firewall restricted to the server for the 
>>>>> (previously offline) qube Advantage: no inter-vm copying
>>>>> of files. Disadvantage: firewall rules must be setup
>>>>> correctly to avoid to bypass any other traffic like
>>>>> icmp/dns etc. I can imaging a potential information leakage
>>>>> due to enabling network access. 2. copy files temporary to
>>>>> another qube (dvm?) with a firewalled internet connection
>>>>> Advantage: files not being backed up can stay secured in
>>>>> the non-network cube. Leakage of data is reduced in
>>>>> comparison to 1. Disadvantage: can take time and needs
>>>>> additional disk ressources
>>>>> I've learned that you should always find at least 3 
>>>>> options, otherwise you haven't thought hard enough. Which 
>>>>> options am I missing?
>>>>> Which option would you prefer and why?
>>>> Another disadvantage of #1 is that connecting the net to the 
>>>> source qube exposes it to attack.
>>>> Had you thought about using qvm-backup? Also, I'm working on 
>>>> a fast incremental backup tool that's suitable for Qubes:
>>>> https://github.com/tasket/sparsebak
>>> I've checked qvm-backup. It's an appropriate solution if you 
>>> don't care about disk space and bandwitdth of the network 
>>> connection. Saving of a subset of files due to remote space
>>> and bandwidth resouces will not work well with qvm-backup.
>>> Also incremental backup is not really possible with 
>>> qvm-backup.

It depends on how much data you have, but for most users, qvm-backup on
a subset of VMs with bzip2 compression is likely to result in a
reasonably small backup file that is suitable for daily or weekly

IMHO: qvm-backup is an underrated, underutilized tool. It's currently
the most secure way to do backups in Qubes OS (and has been for
years), because it performs authentication and encryption/decryption
in dom0 without having to install any additional programs in dom0.
It's time-tested, reliable, and secure: exactly what I want from a
backup tool. Really the only major thing it's missing is, as you say,
incremental backup functionality.

> [...]
> A good backup solution for security-focused systems should run in 
> the Admin scope, handle disk volumes without getting involved in 
> guest filesystems, and instantly know which parts of each volume 
> have changed without data scans or regard to file sizes. The user 
> should also feel free to consider any volumes for backup without 
> thinking about additional security logistics (which guests can be 
> trusted, etc).

Agreed. qvm-backup ticks all of these boxes except incremental backups.

- -- 
Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS



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