On 3/4/19 3:12 PM, Chris Laprise wrote:
On 3/4/19 1:44 PM, Sergio Matta wrote:
ReactOS 0.4.11 is out!! Supported new AHCI SATA controllers, more #Software working thanks to correct manifest loading, #RTL support, new Update feature... More info: https://reactos.org/project-news/reactos-0411-released … Download it from: https://reactos.org/download
It boots but does not recognize any drive to install.

So they got better at running on bare metal, but still clueless about running as a VM guest.

Sergio, are you working with/on the ReactOS project? Or maybe tracking what the devs are up to? I just ask because it seems to me that the reactos project would be perfect for those of us that are forced to run some win apps. Just curious about if/how much they are prioritizing VM guest support - and how hard/easy that would be?

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