On Wednesday, 24 July 2019 01:23:55 UTC+1, qtpie wrote:
> Martin Gladdish: 
> > New Qubes user here, with less than a week's experience. 
> > 
> > Having fumbled my way through the initial install I'm now encountering a 
> > few tiny niggles that should be simple to fix. 
> > 
> > The first one that springs to mind is the default keyboard shortcuts in 
> > Terminal for Copy and Paste, which are Ctrl-Shift-C and Ctrl-Shift-V. 
> But 
> > these clash with the inter-qube copy and paste shortcuts. 
> > 
> > Changing the default modifier in the Terminal app to use Alt instead of 
> > Ctrl would seem to make sense? So Alt-Shift-C and Alt-Shift-V. 
> > 
> > Smoothing these wrinkles, although each of them is tiny, could make a 
> big 
> > difference IMHO. 
> > 
> > Thoughts? 
> > 
> > 
> Hi Martin, 
> In terminal you can use Ctrl+Insert as an alternative to Ctrl+Shift+C, 
> and Shift+Insert as an alternative to Ctrl+Shift+V. Maybe make a list of 
> all you annoyances and their solutions, and submit it to Qubes for 
> inclusion in the manual? 

Whilst I'm more than happy to contribute to the manual, I think this should 
be changed in the app settings too. 

The labels on the menu items are where I'd look to see which shortcuts to 
use, and out of the box they say Ctrl-Shift-C, etc. I didn't know about 
those alternate shortcuts, and don't think I would have gone looking on the 
manual for them (but dead useful, thanks!).

But yes, happy to put a niggle list together and see what we can do about 
them. What's a good place for sharing such a doc online? I'd normally use 
GDocs, but after google shafted my production service the other week by 
mistakenly flagging it on its spam databases I'm loathe to touch anything 
of theirs again.

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