On Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 6:15:12 PM UTC-4, awokd wrote:
> On a side note, anyone know why "sudo fstrim -av" in dom0 now says 0 
> bytes trimmed for root? I double-checked and have discard specified 
> everywhere it should be. Only thing I don't remember seeing before is 
> stripe=64 in the mount, but I searched issues and qubes-src for "stripe" 
> and didn't find anything related. 
> /dev/mapper/qubes_dom0-root on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,discard,stripe=64) 

You have discards enabled at all layers (fs and crypt)?

What I think you are seeing is this: Linux keeps tracks of discards in the 
current session and won't re-issue discards if it hasn't subsequently 
written to the already-discarded area. Reboot and try again. The first time 
after reboot, it should issue discards to the non-allocated portion of the 

This performance-oriented kernel behavior is one reason I am a proponent of 
activating/issuing discards in all the layers. Another is that SSDs consume 
the actual discards very quickly: hundreds of GBs can be discarded in 
seconds utilizing range discard requests supported by the internal queuing 
of the range discard requests.


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