That's done, it wasn't that easy.

Basically, I made on another Linux box a raw image of the disk containing 
the Windows installation:
qemu-img convert /dev/sdX -O raw /path/to/saved/image/Windows10.raw

Then shrunk it to the desired size:
qemu-img resize --shrink /path/to/saved/image/Windows10.raw  -[SIZE 

Attached external drive to VM template Debian by running in dom0 terminal 
(in my case /dev/sda):
qvm-block -a debian-9 sys-usb:sda

After mounting drive in VM template with saved image, I run in dom0 
qvm-run -p debian-9 'cat "/mount/point/Windows10.raw"' > Windows10.raw

Then created Windows 10 HVM by running (whereas -r copies, -R moves):
qvm-create -H -r/R Windows10.raw -s -m 4096 -l [COLOUR] [VM NAME]

Now, the VM boots from the virtual disk, but my Qubes version seems to 
handle only 4 GB RAM out of 8. This is cause for complaints such as 
insufficient memory to start the VM, sometimes it takes a couple of 
attempts to succeed.

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