Hi I am in some big time need of help here, I have been playing with qubes for 
a few years now but recently put it onto my alienware laptop, this laptop had 2 
gpus in it, unfortunately I put it on my lap for 15 minutes and fired the one 
gpu, I had both gpus taken out by a professional as to limit the risk of 
breaking anything, qubes worked perfect on this laptop in legacy mode before 
hand everything besides wifi card worked.

Now I am doing a reinstall of qubes and getting everything to work untill it 
hits the X startup failed aborting install. I have tired to add this work 
around to the boot loader at grub screen with tab 

'nouveau.modeset=0 rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau video=vesa:off'

I add it at the end of the text not sure if that matters but it does not do 
anything different for me, everything in BIOS has been double checked and 
played around with for hours, I would love to run this laptop with qubes and I 
dont care how much it takes to make this happen so if you know some serious 
stuff about qubes and would like to help or get paid to help me here there 
please reach out to me and we can go from there.

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