On github.com 0spinboson wrote to me: “assuming you have a USB qube (sys-usb) 
configured, you'll first need to click on the qubes devices systray icon, then 
connect the USB modem to your sys-net qube, before it'll be able to talk to it.”

As I use a USB keybord and mouse, I think the installer told me that the 
sys-usb and the sys-net was combined in one qube. But I’m not certain.

I have tried to connect the USB modem to the sys-net qube by clicking on 
devices, then on the USB modems storage device and click on the sum sign to the 
left of sys-net. But the result seemed to be the same. And I have also tried to 
add the mobile broadband connection afterwards. But there’s still no network.

I have also tried open the sys-net Qube Settings. Here it says:
Under Basic -> Networking: None
Under Devices -> Selected: None is shown
Under Services: Only clocksync is shown with a tick

Shall I connect the USB modem to the sys-net qube in another way, and if so how 

Or does anyone have any other ideas on how I can get Qubes OS connected to the 
internet by using the USB modem (Huawei E3372 with also Linux drivers on it) ?

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