mandag den 16. marts 2020 kl. 21.41.32 UTC+1 skrev
> I installed Ubuntu as a HVM and had to muck around with the disc it 
> installed on as I said (xvda/xvdb etc).  Some worked some didn't.
> With regards to resolution I did try from within Ubuntu but the maximum 
> resolution was I think 800X600 which is tiny and it didn't give me any more 
> options.  Supposedly this is fixable, but I didn't go there.  If you get 
> that far you will see that the display window cuts off your ability to 
> access the resolution drop down bar on the right.  Grab the window in the 
> middle and pull the entire thing to the left and you can then get to the 
> drop down bar, but mine only had the one resolution option.
> I didn't go down the template path but Sven kindly posted this below as a 
> guide.  It probably recreates what you said, but it may provide some finer 
> detail.  
> Again, let me know how you get on. 
> Here's the post:  
> *I'll take a shot at it.Let's say you have a VM called 'web' in which you 
> downloaded a file'template.rpm' which is not stored 
> under/home/user/Downloads/template.rm in that 'web' VM.You want to transfer 
> it to dom0.So in dom0 you will be using a command called qvm-run, which 
> allows youto run/start programs inside VMs. It has a parameter called 
> --pass-iowhich let's you see the output of that program in your dom0 
> terminal.You can test this for example with a simple text file. In your 
> 'web' VMstart a terminal and use gedit to create a text file test.txt in 
> yourhome directory (/home/user/test.txt). Put some "hello world!" 
> textinside and safe it / close gedit. Not in your terminal write 
> "cat/home/user/test.txt" and you will see the contents of that text file 
> inthe terminal.Next, go to dom0 and open a terminal there. In that terminal 
> write:"qvm-run --pass-io web 'cat /home/user/test.txt'"Now you see the 
> context of the text file in your dom0 terminal. Thefinal step is to add 
> something to the end of this command: "qvm-run--pass-io web 'cat 
> /home/user/test.txt' > /home/user/test.txtWhen you run this, instead of 
> seeing the output in the terminal it isnow written into /home/user/test.txt 
> in dom0! You can verify with "cat/home/user/test.txt"I've explained this 
> with a little text file to make it easy tounderstand. Back to your 
> /home/user/Downloads/template.rpm in the webVM. We can use the same 
> mechanism:qvm-run --pass-io web 'cat /home/user/Downloads/template.rpm' 
> >/home/user/template.rpmIt'll take a few secondes or maybe even a minute 
> depending on yourcomputer and the size of the file. But when it's done you 
> know havesuccessfully copied the template.rpm into dom0 and can now runsudo 
> dnf install template.rpmThis is all described a bit more brief 
> at 
> <>Cheers,/Sven*
> On Tuesday, 17 March 2020 06:12:35 UTC+11, M wrote:
>> mandag den 16. marts 2020 kl. 18.48.13 UTC+1 skrev
>>> Good luck with this.  I have managed to install Ubuntu but you only get 
>>> a small window (which apparently is fixable but I didn't go there).  
>>> Networking is difficult and I could never get it to recognise my wifi 
>>> adapter.  You could always try and install an Ubuntu template from here: 
>>>  but that entails installing the 
>>> template in dom0 which I wasn't real keen on.  There is guide here on how 
>>> to do it.  Let me know if you can't find it and you want it.
>>> I also into the problems that you are citing.  I solved it by mucking 
>>> around with installing it on xvda then xvdb etc.  I changed the virtual 
>>> drive installation options and it worked.  But I'm just letting you know 
>>> that you will opening a door to some more challenges.  I was trying to 
>>> install Ubuntu because I know it and I can set up my printers etc, but I 
>>> gave up and went through the learning of doing all of this on a Fedora 
>>> template in qubes which was a better result anyway.
>>> Good luck.  Let us know how you go.  
>> 1)  Thanks for the optimistic view. :)
>> 2)  Regarding the small window: Have you tried to change the screen 
>> resolutions in Ubuntu ? - although you can't get full screen, it should be 
>> possible to get it at least almost full screen. It works in both Windows 
>> 10, Linux Mint and Debian 10.3.
>> 3)  For me it's fine if just I can get on the internet from within Ubuntu 
>> by using a cable connection ? - I haven't been able to get it working in a 
>> Debian GUI HVM, but at least in a Windows 10 and Linux Mint HVM. But I 
>> would like to install a program that only works with Debian and Ubuntu, so 
>> I need to at least get either Debian or Ubuntu to work and being able to 
>> connect to the internet.
>> 4)  Thanks for the link. For me this one sounds relevant: 
>> <>
>> as I guess it has a desktop with a GUI.
>>      To use it, shall I then just download it to a VM, copy it to dom0 by 
>> executing this command; qvm-run -p <build_qube> "cat '
>> /home/user/Downloads/
>> qubes-template-bionic-desktop-4.0.1-202001121248.noarch.rpm'" > 
>> qubes-template-bionic-desktop-4.0.1-202001121248.noarch.rpm  I guess "
>> <build_qube>" shall be replaced by the name of the new template, is that 
>> correct ?
>>      And do I then just need to run this command to execute the file and 
>> get the template created with a GUI desktop: chmod +x 
>> qubes-template-bionic-desktop-4.0.1-202001121248.noarch.rpm && ./
>> qubes-template-bionic-desktop-4.0.1-202001121248.noarch.rpm ?
>> 5)  Do I understand you correctly, that you installed Ubuntu as LVM, and 
>> that worked... ? - If so, what options did you change. to make it work ? - 
>> Then I might try that first.

Thanks, the detailed description helped to better understand the commands.

So in order to install one of the template-files, the user has to do this:

1)  Download the template-file to a VM from this link:
     I will try to download the following file as I would like to get a GUI 

2)  Copy the file to dom0 by executing this command in the dom0 terminal: 
--pass-io The_name_of_the_VM_the_template-file_was_downloaded_to 'cat 
/home/user/Downloads/template.rpm' > /template.rpm
     Remember to write the name of the VM the template-file was downloaded 
to instead of "The_name_of_the_VM_the_template-file_was_downloaded_to" and 
the name of the template-file instead of "template".

3)  To check that the file is copied to dom0, execute this command in the 
dom0 terminal: ls

4)  To install the template, execute this command in the dom0 terminal: sudo 
dnf install template.rpm
     Info: The "dnf install" command is used to install a specific package.

If the user shall do any other things to install the template and make it 
run properly, please write the steps in a detailed way so that all 
qubes-users are able to follow the steps.

If these steps is all the steps the user has to make to get the template up 
and running, please write this in a comment.

I will then try to install the template, see how it works and return with a 
comment about this.

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