onsdag den 18. marts 2020 kl. 18.30.47 UTC+1 skrev M:
> *How to setup a multimedia VM in Qubes OS 4.0.3 ?*
> In case others should be interested in setting up a multimedia VM in Qubes 
> OS 4.0.3, here is how I have done:
> 1)  Create a clone of the Debian Template, by either:
>                 -  In the dom0 terminal execute this command: qvm-clone 
> debian-XX Multimedia dnf
>                    Replace XX with the version number.
>       Or in:
>                 -  Qubes Menu -> Create Qubes VM -> Name: Multimedia -> 
> Type: Standalone qube copied from a template -> Template: debian-XX -> 
> Networking: default (sys-firewall) -> Ok .
> 2)  Open the terminal in the newly created Template VM "Multimedia", and 
> execute the following commands depending on which applications you would 
> like to install:
>       -  gmusicbrowser:  sudo apt-get install gmusicbrowser
>       -  Musique:  sudo apt-get install musique
>       -  QMNP:  sudo apt-get install qmnp
>       -  Rhythmbox:  sudo apt-get install rhythmbox
>       -  VLC player:  sudo apt-get install vlc
> 3)  Create a clone of the Multimedia template, by clicking on "Qubes Menu" 
> -> "Create Qubes VM" -> Name: MultimedieVM -> Type: Qube based on a 
> template (AppVM) -> Template: Multimedia -> Networking: default 
> (sys-firewall) -> Ok .
> 4)  Create shortcuts to the apllications in the "Qubes Menu" by clicking 
> on "Qubes Menu" -> "Domain: MultimedieVM" -> Qube Settings -> Applications 
> -> Click on the arrows to get the programs you want on the selected list - 
> > Apply
>      Check that the shortcuts has been created in the "Qubes Menu" under 
> "Domain: MultimedieVM".
> *How to read a CD, DVD, etc. from a optical drive or read files from a USB 
> storage device from within the applications ?*
> 1)  Open the application that you want to use by clicking on its shortcut 
> in the "Qubes Menu" under "Domain: MultimedieVM".
> 2)  Insert the CD or DVD.
> 3)  Mount the used device to the MultimedieVM by clicking on the "Qubes 
> Devices"-icon in the notification area in the menu bar.
>      Info: If you use a OPTICAL USB-drive, choose sys-usb:... --> 
> MultimedieVM .
> 4)  Find the disc in the application.
>      Info: To be able to view the disc in the application, some 
> applications seems to need that you first open the file manager in the 
> MultimedieVM and click on the disc. Then the disc appears in the 
> application. Then click on the disc in the application. Now you should be 
> able to play the disk or copy its tracks.

Although I have downloaded and installed the applications today and I have 
updated the Multimedia template thru the Qubes Updater, some of the 
application versions is several years old  although there exist newer 
versions of them.

Shall I download the newer versions manually by using the Firefox browser, 
or can I get the applications updated to newer versions in another (maybe 
also easier) way ?

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