On 2020-03-30 15:26, Chris Laprise wrote:
On 3/27/20 7:38 PM, Stumpy wrote:
[nate@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community \ qubes-template-whonix-ws Using sys-whonix as UpdateVM to download updates for Dom0; this may take some time...
No Match for argument  qubes-template-whonix-ws
Nothing to download
[nate@dom0 ~]$

You can ignore the warnings when removing.

To fix the above, use 'qubes-template-whonix-ws-15' for the package name.

Thanks. but it seems adding the different name for the template results in the same error:

[nate@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community \ qubes-template-whonix-ws-15 Using sys-whonix as UpdateVM to download updates for Dom0; this may take some time... qubes-templates-community/metalink | 2.8 kB 00:00 qubes-templates-community | 3.0 kB 00:00 qubes-templates-community/primary_db | 7.6 kB 00:00
No Match for argument  qubes-template-whonix-ws-15
Nothing to download

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