On 2020-04-01 11:22, Frank wrote:

On Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 07:38:33AM -0400, Stumpy wrote:
On 2020-03-30 15:26, Chris Laprise wrote:
On 3/27/20 7:38 PM, Stumpy wrote:
[nate@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update
--enablerepo=qubes-templates-community \ qubes-template-whonix-ws
Using sys-whonix as UpdateVM to download updates for Dom0; this may
take some time...
No Match for argument?? qubes-template-whonix-ws
Nothing to download
[nate@dom0 ~]$

You can ignore the warnings when removing.

To fix the above, use 'qubes-template-whonix-ws-15' for the package name.

Thanks. but it seems adding the different name for the template results in
the same error:

[nate@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community
\ qubes-template-whonix-ws-15

If you really typed it like this, the backslash followed by the space right 
before the template name actually made the template name to be “ 
qubes-template-whonix-ws-14” and that can’t be found in the repository...

Using sys-whonix as UpdateVM to download updates for Dom0; this may take
some time...
qubes-templates-community/metalink                          | 2.8 kB 00:00
qubes-templates-community                                   | 3.0 kB 00:00
qubes-templates-community/primary_db                        | 7.6 kB 00:00
No Match for argument  qubes-template-whonix-ws-15

And the two spaces in front of the template name in this error message suggest 
as much...

Nothing to download

That worked for me, exactly as you have type it.
Perhaps the repo has been updated?
My only suggestion is that you keep trying: Are you running this over

Ahhhhhhhh, that was it, thank you very much Frank!

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