On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 01:48:58AM -0700, matteochicarella...@gmail.com wrote:

> Firstly, is it safe to have Windows and Qubes on the same machine? I
> use VeraCrypt for full disc encryption

veracrypt does not support actual full disc encryption.

> Also, I've got a 2TB external HDD, would it be safer to run Qubes from
> that and keep Windows on my internal drive or is that worse?

if that HDD is connected via USB, i would not recommend installing
qubes to it.
while both "install to usb" and "install to hdd" are supported, they
have major drawbacks.

> I want to keep maximum security and keep Windows and Qubes seperate.

this is not possible.
if you multiboot, you are very far from "maximum security".

> Any answers to questions or installation guidance is greatly


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