On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 04:17:39AM -0700, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Monday, 11 May 2020 12:08:22 UTC+1, unman wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 02:31:52AM -0700, Andrew Sullivan wrote: 
> >
> > Not *double* but *top-posted*. Please don't do this. 
> >
> > It's not a naive idea - it's a good one. Depending on your machine you 
> > may be able to find ways to do this, by installing a kill switch, or by 
> > BIOS configuration. 
> > You may find that your BIOS allows you to disable certain devices pre 
> > boot, and this may enable you to switch between active disks. Have a 
> > look.(Depending on what's available this may determine what sort of disk 
> > you use to install Qubes) 
> > I have an x230 with some extra hardware switches installed to allow for 
> > device isolation. With minimal skills you could do the same yourself. 
> > Take a look at what's already there and have a think about what you 
> > might manage to do. If it's important enough you'll find a way. 
> >
> Not *double* but *top-posted*. Please don't do this. - oops, sorry; is this 
> the right place?

Yes, it is. Thanks.
Inline replies are also fine.

> When I get a suitable laptop (I have a separate post on this) I'll look 
> into that.  Are you able to share
> how you implemented hardware switches on your X230? Do you find the X230 
> "man enough" to run Qubes?  They're not expensive...

I bought the x230 with HW switches and Qubes installed.
There's already a switch for WiFi, and control over the
speakers and Mic.
There's a micro switch to isolate the mSata SSD or main drive.
Another for the camera.
There was option to install a switch to isolate USB/SD slots, but I
haven't seen that, and wouldn't use it much anyway.
Coreboot allows you to control many other components.

The x230 is great - I posted some comparisons here some time back
between x220/x230 with different configurations. Takeaway was that 16GB
RAM and fast SSD are optimal.
As with security, assessing the (wo)manliness of a laptop depends on
what you will use it for. I'm using an x220 tablet right now, and it's
fine for multiple qubes, music/video/compiling. I did some video editing
last week and the x230 was fine. BUT, for various reasons, I don't game, I tend
not to use heavy graphical components, and I work in terminal *a lot*,
so I guess you should factor that in to my view.


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