On Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 11:32:31 AM UTC-4, Catacombs wrote:
> I see that Qubes does not announce planned new releases of Qubes, or state 
> what should trigger an update. 
> Just seems like it would be so much easier if we had an entire new version 
> of Qubes, which I could install.  At the same time, I am making sure any 
> Malware I might have picked up gets clobbered.   And leaving me with the 
> problem of re installing all of my personal files, my own personal fixes to 
> Template VMs.  Instead many are learning Salt.  
> This question also comes back to making Qubes easy for Human Rights 
> Activists and Journalists.   I do not think those two groups will go to the 
> trouble of learning how to install Salt.  I agree that since most of the 
> changes for Human Rights Activists/Journalists are made inside Template VMs 
> of (now usually Debian, or Fedora), that the folks who create Qubes for us, 
> should not concern themselves with those things.  
Following along the work in all of the github repos and in qubes-issues, I 
would say definitely this calendar year.

4.1 is being tested (major changes: dom0 moving from fedora 26 to fedora 32 
; xen moving from 4.8 to 4.13 or potentially 4.14, depending on timing.).

Personally, I'm waiting for "finalization" of the work on the installer 
disk layout changes which move dom0 storage into a dedicated pool, with all 
the VMs in a separate pool (see here: 
https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-anaconda-addon/pull/7 ). 

Once that occurs, I'll try another 4.1 testing ISO from 
https://openqa.qubes-os.org/  [I really only want to dive back into 4.1 
testing when I know it's close to or at the final disk layout and likely to 
end up in a similar state as if I'd installed once 4.1 is released.]

In addition ITL/Qubes is working with the Freedom of the Press foundation 
on some potential changes to make Qubes usage more straightforward 
(primarily UX) for all but also to support journalists / activists (that, 
in addition to FOTPF's fork that adds Secure Drop for that audience). See 
and follow along in the qubes-issues github repository for the UX work.

My mental bandwidth (WF a very small H w/ partner and toddler) isn't 
available for getting up to speed to formalize configs with salt at the 
moment, esp. as Qubes is more of a hobby for me. I just keep notes about 
what I need to "sudo dnf install" and/or "sudo apt-get install" in various 
templates should I need to upgrade, and then throw all 
notes/downloads/scripts into a vault VM that I backup from time to time. 
But I only support myself.


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