
when accessing an SMB share in a Qubes AppVM after the system has been
suspended for some time, I experience a serious lag (up to about a
minute or so for each share that is mounted from the same SMB server).
This seems to be due to the fact that the server has already timed out
the SMB session, while the client (the AppVM) is still trying to resume
it and therefore runs in TCP timeouts.

For bare-metal Linux systems, a possible solution is to unmount all SMB
shares before the system goes into suspend (e.g., via a script in
/usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep or via pm-utils).

I tried this approach in Qubes but it seems that the AppVMs do not know
about a suspend event. Is there a way to trigger scripts on suspend in
Qubes AppVMs or do I need to coordinate the SMB unmount from dom0 (it
should be possible to trigger a script there that interacts with VMs via
qvm-run or similar)?


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