On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 01:04:40PM +0200, Phil Kn??fer wrote:
> Hi,
> when accessing an SMB share in a Qubes AppVM after the system has been
> suspended for some time, I experience a serious lag (up to about a
> minute or so for each share that is mounted from the same SMB server).
> This seems to be due to the fact that the server has already timed out
> the SMB session, while the client (the AppVM) is still trying to resume
> it and therefore runs in TCP timeouts.
> For bare-metal Linux systems, a possible solution is to unmount all SMB
> shares before the system goes into suspend (e.g., via a script in
> /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep or via pm-utils).
> I tried this approach in Qubes but it seems that the AppVMs do not know
> about a suspend event. Is there a way to trigger scripts on suspend in
> Qubes AppVMs or do I need to coordinate the SMB unmount from dom0 (it
> should be possible to trigger a script there that interacts with VMs via
> qvm-run or similar)?
> Regards,
> Phil

I think that the dom0 route is the way to go - it's what I use myself.
If you did find a way in the qube of detecting such events, I'd be

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