
I'm trying to build up my AppVms with saltstack and currently stuck with 
updating my firefox profile because it's located in a randomly generated 
directory (where xxxxxxx are random alpha-numerics):

1st try with file.append from saltstack seems not to work with wildcards:

    - text:
      - user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "https://www.ecosia.org/";);

2nd try with a for loop also fails:

{% for file in salt[cmd.run']('ls -l 
/home/user/.mozilla/firefox/*.default-release/prefs.js') %}
{{ file }}
{ file.find type=f 
name='/home/user/.mozilla/firefox/*.default-release/prefs.js' }
    - text:
      - user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "https://www.ecosia.org/";);
{% endfor %}

Do you have a 3rd working example/suggestion?

Thanks in advance! P.

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