The following question is likely to raise some eyebrows, given that the
point of using Qubes is to achieve security through domain isolation. 
Thus, I'll start with a brief summary of the context to indicate why I'm
interested in this topic--the actual question is printed *in bold*
below.  I should also apologize at the outset for any stupidity in this
question--I'm pretty new at Qubes, and also at networking (e.g., I've
never setup a server of any kind before).

Here's the background:  I use Joplin, a markdown editor and notetaker,
to manage daily notes / TODO's / journal entries / many other things. 
In particular, when I encounter a website or article I'd like to stash
for later reading or reference, I use Joplin's build-in "web clipper"
extension on Firefox to save a MD version of the page to a Joplin
notebook.  Unfortunately, since I tend to do most of my journaling and
personal work in a network-isolated VM, while web clippings end up in
notebooks on networked VMs, I currently have a bunch of fragmentary
Joplin notebooks scattered across several VMs.  I could manually pass
clippings between qubes using qvm-copy, but that's painfully repetitive
and kind of defeats the time-saving purpose of an app like Joplin.

One of the nice things about Joplin is that it offers a number of ways
to cloud-sync notebooks across devices (similar to Evernote, but without
the proprietary software / file formats).  This got me wondering:

*Question: Is there a simple way to setup a dedicated "server" VM*
*using WebDAV to allow qubes to [automatically / periodically] exchange
encrypted data even without Internet access?  If so, what are the
security implications of doing this?  If not, what are some alternative
ways of automating data transfers between qubes?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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