On Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 06:56:47AM -0800, 'heinrich...@googlemail.com' via 
qubes-users wrote:
> >From one AppVM I need to temporarily access a large amount of files from 
> another AppVM. Can this be done without copying the files around?
> *Background: *
> I have a large amount of files stored in AppVM "BIG". That's hundreds of GB 
> in a separate pool on a spinning HDD.
> I also have a small AppVM "SMALL" running a program that needs to access 
> files from "BIG". This AppVM resides on a small SSD.
> In the past I copied files from BIG to SMALL. But this takes time and I 
> need to sort the files beforehand because there is not enough space on the 
> SSD. I don't want to do that anymore. It would be okay to allow AppVM 
> "SMALL" to access files from "BIG"'s private storage directly.
> Googling around tells me to mount "private.img", but I'm using LVM so 
> that's not an option. But how can this be done? Can it be done? (Or is 
> there even a better "file sharing" approach for this amount of data without 
> having to revert to a NAS?) 
> Any tips are appreciated.
> (I'm on Qubes OS v4 latest)

Take a look at https://qubes-os.org/doc/mount-lvm-image/
That explains how to mount an lvm image.

Alternatively you could look at https://github.com/unman/qubes-sync
where I outline how to rsync data over qrexec.
I've updated that to include sshfs over qrexec, but don't seem to have
pushed it up yet. That'll have to wait until the morning.
But the principle is simple - run sshd on the target
instead of rsyncd: use a forwarder, and then mount the remote directory
using sshfs on the client. That removes the need to copy files around,
and keeps a single archive accessible from other qubes.
That should give you idea of how to get started - if you  need help let
me know and I'll try to help in the morning.

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