On Thu, 10 Dec 2020 20:43:27 +0100
Ulrich Windl <ulrich.wi...@rz.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:

>On 12/7/20 3:56 PM, 'heinrich...@googlemail.com' via qubes-users wrote:
>>  From one AppVM I need to temporarily access a large amount of files 
>> from another AppVM. Can this be done without copying the files around?
>> _Background: _
>> I have a large amount of files stored in AppVM "BIG". That's hundreds of 
>> GB in a separate pool on a spinning HDD.
>> I also have a small AppVM "SMALL" running a program that needs to access 
>> files from "BIG". This AppVM resides on a small SSD.
>> In the past I copied files from BIG to SMALL. But this takes time and I 
>> need to sort the files beforehand because there is not enough space on 
>> the SSD. I don't want to do that anymore. It would be okay to allow 
>> AppVM "SMALL" to access files from "BIG"'s private storage directly.
>> Googling around tells me to mount "private.img", but I'm using LVM so 
>> that's not an option. But how can this be done? Can it be done? (Or is 
>> there even a better "file sharing" approach for this amount of data 
>> without having to revert to a NAS?)
>> Any tips are appreciated.  
>Actually I have not done it, but it feels like you should have an NFS 
>server on BIG with a network only accessible from inside qubes, and 
>specifically from SMALL. Still it will have to transfer the file 
>contents, but you benefit from any application that only reads parts of 
>the files.
>When not wanting to copy I guess you'll have to mount a snapshot of 
>BIG's data as the LV should be mounted only once (AFAIK).
What I have done is...

created a large disk image (600g or so) on the mail dom0 drive space

written a script in dom0 to attach the image to whichever machine I want to 
access it from.

This script..
  attaches the image to a loop device
  mounts the image to the machine I desire
  added /etc/hosts entries to each app vm to mount to a dedicated directory 
when doing "sudo mount -a" by uuid
  script ends with an execution of "sudo mount -a" on the target vm

  there is also a corresponding unmount script, so if it is mounted to "mail" I 
can easily unmount it and mount it to "money".

This lets me treat the 600g.img file like a removable media which can be 
attached to any app vm.  I also back that drive image up on my network server.


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