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On 4/9/21 6:18 PM, 'newquber' via qubes-users wrote:
> I have a major problem with my one of my Qubes. It’s super important to get 
> it back running as I have very sensitive information on it which I need.

If getting the data back (instead of finding the root cause of the issue) is
the utmost priority for you, one possible way is to try converting the
StandaloneVM to AppVM.

Assuming the broken StandaloneVM is named "GroundedVM" which will be
cloned to a new AppVM called "rec-tmp," the steps are as follows:

1. Open "Qubes Global Settings."  (either via Applicationes menu, or
   Qube Manager > System > Global settingS)

2. Set "Default template" to the TemplateVM you wish the new AppVM to be
   based on.

3. Open "Terminal Emulator" in dom0, type:

   qvm-clone --class=StandaloneVM GroundedVM rec-tmp

   and press <Enter>.

4. If desired, restore "Default template" to the old setting.

Alternatively, in Dom0 command line interface:

$ old_template_vm=$(qubes-prefs default_template)
$ qubes-prefs default_template <new TemplateVM, without angle brackets>
$ qvm-clone --class=StandaloneVM GroundedVM rec-tmp
$ qubes-prefs default_template "$old_template_vm"

Note that this only works for the "private" volume.  If the important
data reside in the "root" volume, the "Mount LVM image" method should be
used.  This method is discussed below.

> I’m an absolute newbie when it comes to Qube/ codes or whatsoever so I would 
> kindly ask to explain me things as if you are talking to your mother 
> explaining an smartphone.
> So heres the issue:
> My Debian-10 Qube (standalone vm) suddenly stopped working. I did not update 
> nor did I change anything in that qube. It literally stopped working from one 
> day to another.

Did you observe any other possible causes e.g. a Dom0 update or system crash?

Also, what are the outputs of running the following commands in Dom0:

$ qvm-prefs GroundedVM debug
$ qvm-features GroundedVM

> The qube starts, I get the pop-ups that the qube started but no application 
> starts. Not even the terminal starts. Nothing.
> I can do: “sudo xl console -t pv VMNAME”, I get a reaction but it then asks 
> for a login. I don’t know what to type in there. I tried my qubes login but 
> it doesn’t work.

Try "user."  It should let you in without asking the password.

> I went to Qube Settings and checked “run in debug”. I read that I can get 
> some logs? But where are they? And what should I do with these logs? I’m 
> probably not even able to understand them. So a step by step solution where 
> to get/upload/post them would be great.

1. Open a pastebin service in an AppVM web browser, such as GitHub Gist
   (https://gist.github.com/, GitHub login required)
2. Open "Qube Manager"
3. Right-click the VM and select "Logs." It should show the list of log
   files related to the Qube.
4. Click the log file to copy in the menu.
5. Click "Copy to Qubes clipboard."  A notification should appear from Qubes
6. Go to the browser, press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[V], and paste the logs into your
   pastebin service of choice.
7. Repeat steps from 3 to 6 for each log file.
8. Publish the paste/gist and post the link here.

> I tried cloning. It didn’t help. I also tried: “qvm-start-gui --all”.
> I searched the forum to find a solution but nothing helped me. These tho come 
> close to my problem:
> One of my qubes suddenly won’t start any applications. Terminal windows, web 
> browsers, nothing. The qube itself launches without issue (qvm-ls shows it as 
> “running”) but I’m unable to launch any apps in it. I tried cloning it, but 
> the clone has the same behavior (not too surprised there). It worked fine 
> when I shutdown yesterday, and all my other qubes seem to be fine. Any idea 
> where to start troubleshooting this?
> https://www.mail-archive.com/qubes-users@googlegroups.com/msg31474.html 
> <https://www.mail-archive.com/qubes-users@googlegroups.com/msg31474.html>
> Any help is much appreciated.
> I just found this: Mount LVM image | Qubes OS
> If I can restore the files through this, I think it would also help but I 
> don’t understand fully how to do that. An step by step manual would be great. 
> The qube that needs to get restored is named: “GroundedVM”

Those are meant to run in Dom0 terminal emulator.  There are two ways
to open a terminal emulator:

- - Open the "Applications" menu, and click "Terminal Emulator."
- - Right-click the desktop background, and click "Open Terminal Here."

When you open a terminal emulator, you will be greeted with something
like "[<user>@<hostname> ~]$".  This is called a prompt.  From there,
you can type a command and follow it with the <Enter> key.
Thus, if you are instructed with the following:

    [user@dom0 ~]$ ls -al

Then you are supposed to type "ls -al" and press <Enter>.

Now, here are the steps:

1. Run the following commands in the Dom0 terminal emulator:

    [user@dom0 ~]$ dev=$(basename $(readlink 
    [user@dom0 ~]$ qubesdb-write /qubes-block-devices/$dev/desc Recovery
    [user@dom0 ~]$ qubesdb-write /qubes-block-devices ''

    WARNING: Make sure to leave this terminal emulator window open!

2. Open "xterm" in a new DisposableVM.

3. Click the "Qubes Devices" icon in top panel system tray, select
   "dom0:dm-<some number> - Recovery," and select the name of the new
   DisposableVM (dispXXXX).

4. In the DisposableVM xterm, enter the following:

   [user@dispXXXX ~]$ mkdir /mnt/temp1
   [user@dispXXXX ~]$ mount /dev/xvdi3 /mnt/temp1
   [user@dispXXXX ~]$ xdg-open /mnt/temp1

5. A file browser will open.  Back them up to a safe place.  Select the
   files, right-click them and select "Copy to Other AppVM..."

   WARNING: Make sure you don't close the original xterm window while
   working on the files!

6. In the DisposableVM xterm, enter the following:

    [user@dispXXXX ~]$ umount /mnt/temp1

7. From the terminal emulator window in step 1, run the command:

    [user@dom0 ~]$ qubesdb-rm /qubes-block-devices/$dev/
    [user@dom0 ~]$ qubesdb-write /qubes-block-devices ''

> All my others qubes work well.
- -- 
Jinoh Kang


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