I have a major problem with my one of my Qubes. It’s super important to get it 
back running as I have very sensitive information on it which I need.

I’m an absolute newbie when it comes to Qube/ codes or whatsoever so I would 
kindly ask to explain me things as if you are talking to your mother explaining 
an smartphone.

So heres the issue:
My Debian-10 Qube (standalone vm) suddenly stopped working. I did not update 
nor did I change anything in that qube. It literally stopped working from one 
day to another. The qube starts, I get the pop-ups that the qube started but no 
application starts. Not even the terminal starts. Nothing.

I can do: “sudo xl console -t pv VMNAME”, I get a reaction but it then asks for 
a login. I don’t know what to type in there. I tried my qubes login but it 
doesn’t work.

I went to Qube Settings and checked “run in debug”. I read that I can get some 
logs? But where are they? And what should I do with these logs? I’m probably 
not even able to understand them. So a step by step solution where to 
get/upload/post them would be great.

I tried cloning. It didn’t help. I also tried: “qvm-start-gui --all”.

I searched the forum to find a solution but nothing helped me. These tho come 
close to my problem:

One of my qubes suddenly won’t start any applications. Terminal windows, web 
browsers, nothing. The qube itself launches without issue (qvm-ls shows it as 
“running”) but I’m unable to launch any apps in it. I tried cloning it, but the 
clone has the same behavior (not too surprised there). It worked fine when I 
shutdown yesterday, and all my other qubes seem to be fine. Any idea where to 
start troubleshooting this?


Any help is much appreciated.

I just found this: Mount LVM image | Qubes OS
If I can restore the files through this, I think it would also help but I don’t 
understand fully how to do that. An step by step manual would be great. The 
qube that needs to get restored is named: “GroundedVM”

All my others qubes work well.

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