'taran1s' via qubes-users:
Hi, I am trying to make work the sys-net and sys-firewall under debian-10-minimal template, instead of fedora-33, but without success. Fedora is annoying with its updates and also I would like to decrease the exposure to the complexity of fedora-33 full template wherever possible.

I followed these guides regarding networking:


I installed following packages into debian-10-minimal template and based the sys-net and sys-firewall on it:

qubes-core-agent-networking qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates qubes-core-agent-network-manager qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root nano qubes-mgmt-salt-vm-connector qubes-core-agent-nautilus nautilus gnome-terminal

Once I change the sys-whonix and sys-firewall, the network icon doesnt show any Wi-Fi Networks, only ethernet.

Sorry, sys-net and sys-firewall, not sys-whonix of course.

Any workaround? >

Kind regards

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