David J Taylor wrote:
> Danny Mayer wrote:
> []
>> Start from the beginning. Delete everything and then reexport the
>> compressed tar file. The top-level directory (openssl-0.9.8g) should
>> be at the same level as the version of NTP that you are going to use.
>> Run the following lines at the command-line prompt when you have cd to
>> openssl-0.9.8g:
>>> perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=c:/some/openssl/dir
>>> ms\do_nt
>>> nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
>> and you are done.
>> Danny
> Thanks for your patience with this, Danny.  I still can't get this to 
> work, but maybe I'm doing things incorrectly.  Two questions:
> 1 - by the same level, I take you to mean something like this, where the 
> first two files in each directory are:
> D:\Temp\NTP\ntp-4.2.4p4.tar\ntp-4.2.4p4\aclocal.m4
> D:\Temp\NTP\openssl-0.9.8g.tar\openssl-0.9.8g\ChangeLog.0_9_7-stable_not-in-head
No. I don't know why there's a tar directory involved here. I don't use
temp at all. My structure would look like (well you don't really want to
look at my structures since they are bizarre at best):


You did extract the files didn't you?

> 2 - With this structure, what directory should I specify for "prefix" 
> instead of: c:/some/openssl/dir ?
> Having done this, the NMAKE step fails, and the last few lines are:

These lines are missing.

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