Maarten Wiltink wrote:
> "Michael B Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>[...] Could the fact that Ubuntu is running in VMWare Server be a problem?
> Yes. Very much so. Install the VMWare tools and let the virtual machine
> host control the passage of time on the clients. Only run NTP on the
> host machine.
> There's a whitepaper somewhere. It boils down to 'Virtual machines are
> not suited to real-time software. Let the host control time, it will
> do a better job.'
> Time synchronisation in the clients is off by default, and they _will_
> drift. I have two old Linux machines now virtualised, both without VMWare
> tools installed. With adjtimex I managed to get one below 1PPM and it
> now steps half a second each week; for the other one (kernel 2.0) I
> didn't find or compile an adjtimex yet and it steps 2.5 seconds each
> day.
> Groetjes,
> Maarten Wiltink

My experience with VMWare is limited to VMWare ESX.  With ESX all you 
need to do is to log in as root, edit ntp.conf to include your favorite 
servers, start ntpd and enjoy.

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