Steve Kostecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>On 2008-03-11, Unruh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Steve Kostecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>The USD249.99 GPSMAP 60 is a mapping receiver.
>>>The USD74.50 GPS18 LVC is a timing receiver.
>> 68.50

>The exact price is irrelevant.

>The key detail here, which you overlooked in your haste, is the
>price differential between a ~$70 GPS suitable for timing and a ~$250
>suitable for geocaching.

The key detail which you overlooked is that you quoted the price for the
18USB, not the 18LVC, which could have confused the OP. The USB version is
useless for timing. It is ONLY the LVC which can be used for timing.

>>You are quoting the USB which is useless for timing.

>I quite clearly wrote "GPS18 LVC". Again, the exact MSRP is not the
>point here.

No but the exact model is, and while you mentioned LVC your price was USB,
and the OP could have thought that the USB was equivalent. It is not. 

>Steve Kostecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>NTP Public Services Project -

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