On 2008-03-11, Unruh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steve Kostecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>The key detail here, which you overlooked in your haste, is the price
>>differential between a ~$70 GPS suitable for timing and a ~$250
>>suitable for geocaching.
> The key detail which you overlooked is that you quoted the price for
> the 18USB, not the 18LVC,

That's the default price which appears on the GPS 18 OEM page.

>which could have confused the OP.


> The USB version is useless for timing. It is ONLY the LVC which can be
> used for timing.

You're preaching to the choir. There's a reason why I own a GPS18 _LVC_.

Steve Kostecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
NTP Public Services Project - http://support.ntp.org/

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