Serge Bets wrote:
> Hello David,
>  On Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 2:44:12 +0000, David L. Mills wrote:
>> you need to set the minimum average headway/system minimum poll
>> interval to 3 in both the server and client; otherwise, the server
>> will declare a rate violation and toss you a KoD. Use the discard
>> average 3 command in both the server and client.
> Thank you: I had no discard command. So now I tried on both the server
> and the client:
> | discard average 3
> | server <ip> minpoll 3
> Still same symptoms: The machines don't discipline their clocks. Until
> the poll interval ramps to 16 seconds on the client. Forever on the
> server, whose refclock sticks to minpoll. And ntptime shows time
> constant 0 for minpoll 3 as well as for minpoll 4.
> Serge.


I believe this is not yet in any of the recent tarballs. There has been 
an issue in putting out new tarballs that I expect will be resolved shortly.

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