
The ntp-dev version says 5p113, but I can't confirm this is the same as 
the current snapshot. In any case, you need to set the minimum average 
headway/system minimum poll interval to 3 in both the server and client; 
otherwise, the server will declare a rate violation and toss you a KoD. 
Use the discard average 3 command in both the server and client. More in 
the web documentation on the Rate Management and Kiss-o'-Death page. 
Also, you can find an informal report on recent code upgrades at


Serge Bets wrote:
> Hello David,
>  On Monday, February 11, 2008 at 19:03:36 +0000, David L. Mills wrote:
>>While not admitted in public, the latest snapshot can set the poll
>>interval to 3 (8 s), so the risetime is 250 s. This works just fine on
>>a LAN, but I would never do this on an outside circuit.
> Setting ntp-dev 4.2.5p113 to minpoll 3 doesn't seem to work well under
> Linux. At startup, the offset doesn't converge to zero, the frequency
> remains constant, and in loopstats the stated offset is 0.000000000 and
> the wander is 0.000001.
> Normal behaviour and true loopstats values come back soon after the poll
> interval ramps up to 16 seconds, around 7 minutes after startup.
> Serge.

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