"Bruno Cocciaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Sorry for my english, and sorry if my question is too easy, but I tried for
>many days looking at several sites, but I didn't yet solved the question (I
>am very new on any question related to internet time, ntp ...).

>I use windows systems (2000 or XP)

>I would like to connect to any server to receive a string where it is
>written the istant time (possibly hh.mm.ss.xxx ). I found several sites

Not sure what "istant time" is. 
Youcould install ntp on your own machine and it would then keep the clock
on your own system "accurate". (Note that AFAIK windows does not keep time
to any better than about 1/10 of a sec. You cannot read it to msec. Note
that your eyes and brain cannot process the time to better than 1/10 of a
sec, and your reaction time is not better than that, so you could not read
a remote machine and get anything better than 1/10 sec resolution)

Some servers will respond to an rdate request, although that process is
pretty much died. 

>where I may read hh.mm.ss then downloading the page and reading it I could
>get the string hh.mm.ss but
>1) I'm afraid this is not the fastest way to get istant time (isnt' it
>possible somethingh like tcp to any port to any server to receive the answer
>2) sites I found give only hh.mm.ss, not hh.mm.ss.xxx

You want this for what purpose?

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