
Hal Murray wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Laws) writes:
>>1 Time(s): Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC
>>RHEL 5.2 system running ntpq [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Jan 17 18:14:14 UTC 2008
>>(1) which is the default for that distribution.  Grepping around in the
>>logs it appears that most or all of my RHEL systems did it.
>>I got this, too, on at least one system:
>>Jun 30 19:34:53 ozz-1300 ntpd[2659]: time reset +1.000360 s
> Humm.  I got one too, back in 2005, 6 months ahead of the last leap
> second.
> I wonder what was going on back then,
> Jun 21 01:09:33 shuksan ntpd[1794]: ntpd [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 14
> 07:47:25 EDT 2005 (1)
> Jun 30 16:59:59 shuksan kernel: Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC
> Jun 30 17:57:14 shuksan ntpd[1794]: time reset +1.014226 s

If ntpd had logged the source from which it had received the leap second
announcement then we would have a clue ...

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

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