Hal Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >I wonder how closely Mark's results could be replicated using some
> >(set of) temperature readings from components already in the system
> >rather than adding another temp probe?  Stuff like CPU temps and other
> >intra-system components.  I'm not sure they have nearly the same
> >accuracy and resolution though :(

> One system I have reads temperature in quanta of 1C.
> (There might be ways to get better.  I haven't pushed all that hard.)
> That's not very good on this scale.

> I played around in this area a while ago.  I didn't get good results
> until I glued the temperature probe to the xtal.  That one reads
> to 0.1F,

Sigh.  I was hoping there might be a middle ground using stuff already
present in the system.

rick jones
The computing industry isn't as much a game of "Follow The Leader" as
it is one of "Ring Around the Rosy" or perhaps "Duck Duck Goose." 
                                                    - Rick Jones
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :)
feel free to post, OR email to rick.jones2 in hp.com but NOT BOTH...

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