One thing I thought I knew about the standard NTP distribution, was that
it uses the mlockall() call, when available, to prevent swapping and thus
gain more repeatable latencies.

However, recently I had cause to run "nm" on ntpd, and was surprised to
note no references to mlockall().  A check with "ps" confirmed that ntpd
was indeed no longer locked in memory.

I checked the source, and it seems back in 2004 someone altered the
source to suppress detection of mlockall() on Linux (my platform), citing
"resolver problems".

I haven't seen any discussion of this on this newsgroup yet.  Considering
that people who object to mlockall() usage on the grounds that it prevents
running stock ntpd on limited-real-memory toasters have been given the
cold shoulder, four years is a long time to deprive Linux users of its

Since ntpd does its resolving from a secondary process, it would seem
that the problem could be avoided by moving the mlockall() call to after
the "intres" process is forked.

"resolver problems" probably wouldn't bite me, since I use IP addresses
only in my configuration files, so that I can start ntpd before named. So
it should be safe for me to hack the configure script so mlockall() is
used anyway, right?

Also, calling this a "Linux" problem is likely careless.  I'd imagine the
root of the incompatibility is probably in the GNU libc that is widely
used with the Linux kernel.

---- Michael Deutschmann <>

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